A Special Gift

Written by: Sadhbh Devlin

Illustrated by: Tarsila Krüse

Published by: NISIG.COM

Age: 3+

Cost: FREE

Little Otter is excited to tell you all about how his family was made and why he is so glad that there is a donor in his family story. Come celebrate with him!

Tarsila and I are proud to have created the very first donor conception themed books for children in Ireland!

This series of four books has been created to help families formed through donor conception to introduce the concept to their young children. Each edition also features a ‘Talk About’ section, to help families further develop the conversation at an age-appropriate level.

There are four books in the series:

A Special Gift, An Egg Donation Story

A Special Gift, A Sperm Donation Story

A Special Gift, A Double Donation Story

A Special Gift, A Solo Mammy Story

To request a copy of one or all of our “A Special Gift” books, please send a message with your details to nisigireland@gmail.com